
My Father’s World

I come alive
When I’m outside
Delighting in my Father’s world

Where the stars sleep

In endless night
And the sun rises
Each morn

And flowers that spring
In the peaceful lea
Are adorned
With more beauty
Than a queen

Where simple things
Like birds in trees
Sing of His love for me


Sunshine Blogger Award

A big heartfelt thank you to one of my dear readers for nominating me with the Sunshine Blogger Award. (I love your blog too, Squid!)

Here are the questions that Miss Squid asked me to answer, and in turn I’ll nominate three other bloggers to answer the same questions. (I think this is how this works anyway….)

  • What is your greatest passion?
    To share the love of God with others.
  • What are your greatest abilities?
    I’m highly creative and able to relate to lots of people.
  • How do you apply your greatest passions and abilities?
    I love using the creativity that God has given me to create things that inspire and encourage people–writing poems or stories or playing music. I try to make time for people in my life, because they matter the most.
  • How do you unwind from a hectic day?
    Music! I love to sit by myself in a room that’s softly lit, and listen to relaxing music.
  • If you had to choose one, reading or writing, which would you choose?
    Woah…This is a hard one. If I could still listen to the Bible and other books on audio, then I would pick writing. Since I process life when I write and am creatively minded, I think I might explode from all the ideas and thoughts in my head if I couldn’t write them down!
  • What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned?
    Hmm….I’ve learned that God’s plans are better than my plans. Even when it breaks my heart to let go of what I want to hold on to, I only find true freedom when I’ve surrendered my life to Him.

Now, for my nominees….Thank you for bringing sunshine to my life! ❤

Shannon at Unfading Joy because her words are beautiful and somehow always resonate with what I’m learning in life.

Krystiana at Brim-Full with the Immensity of Life because she makes my think and feel God in new ways.

Eileen at The Scenic Route because she always shares hope.

free verse

This I Know

There is uncertainty
A question
An unknown
Looming in the distance
Testing my faith

There is a doubt
Whispering lies in my ear
A fear stabbing my heart

But greater than the questions
Fears and doubts
Greater than the struggle
Of heart and mind and soul

This I know

I love my Maker
And my Maker loves me
He calls me His child
I am free
