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Grace lined the avenue

Where our souls laid



Desperate for a Savior

In the shadows of the night

The hope of dawn kissed the horizon

As it rose to remind us

That the waves that rose to crush us

Carried us

The hurt that cut to wound us

Healed us

The war that raged against us

United us

Even the odds that were cast against us

Strengthened us

Because we knew

We were

We are

A miracle




It flies
If we don’t pause
We’ll never find
The treasures hidden
In these hard and beautiful days
Joy and pain
Sun and rain
So often united


Don’t take it for granted
It comes
But it goes away
When we look back what will we see?
Did we stop
To live, to change, to believe
Or did we run 
Without a dream?
So live today
As the gift it is
From the God who created us to be
His hands and feet


It changes
This world in need
As we give Him everything

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what are words?

what are words?
are they only sounds
spoken and erased
with time and space
no, they are echoes
they chase

they are knives
they are swords
they are bullets
they are fists

what are words?
they are art
they are choices
they are life or death
healing or hurt

they are hugs after a hard day
they are dawn breaking dark
they are the shooting star
the innocence of a child
the hope inside of you
God’s love so wild

what are my words?
whatever they be
may they be Yours only
my Savior, my King

cleanse this heart
to speak 
to love
to heal
to believe

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Not Forgotten

Let’s pause to remember
Let’s acknowledge what is true

For every life is precious
A gift from above
Let’s not forget
Let’s stand for honesty
For love
For freedom
For those who have no voice
For the unborn
For the slave
For the unknown and ignored
Let’s stand for hope
For justice
For grace
Let’s walk humbly
Toward the God of our redemption
Toward the hope of tomorrow
Let’s not forget
Let’s change the future

~In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel


My Heart has a Story

My heart has a story
Uniquely its own
Tears & laughter
Hopes & dreams
Dance together in many scenes
The Author often brings a twist
I couldn’t have 
And keeps this young lady guessing
Till the last page I read
But through it all
I see His hand
Gently guiding me
Revealing His plan

My heart has a story
Yours has one too
I’d love to hear
How He’s been faithful to you

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A Reason for Life

When you collapse in bed after another hard day
And you wake up to see the sun’s ablaze
When you stare at the stars
Like glitter tossed across the dark sky
And you realize that there’s more to life
Than meets the eye
A deeper love holding hearts together
A higher power keeping the earth in motion
When you read His Words
Black on white
And it bursts as color
In your soul so bright
Suddenly there’s a reason for life

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Just Him

Quiet my soul
Rest a while
In His presence
Not a care
Just Him
Just the darkening sky
And the cicada’s song
The occasional breeze
And a firefly’s flicker
Just the peace
Of knowing that He’s here
In this small corner of the earth
Alone with me
And yet also everywhere else
At the same time
Just the comfort
Of having no words
Because sometimes words can’t speak
♫ What a Friend We Have in Jesus ♫
