free verse

A Reason for Life

When you collapse in bed after another hard day
And you wake up to see the sun’s ablaze
When you stare at the stars
Like glitter tossed across the dark sky
And you realize that there’s more to life
Than meets the eye
A deeper love holding hearts together
A higher power keeping the earth in motion
When you read His Words
Black on white
And it bursts as color
In your soul so bright
Suddenly there’s a reason for life

free verse, Rhyme


If You created the infinite sky
Know each star by name
Measured the oceans
In the palm of Your hand

If mountains can be moved
And cast in the sea
By faith as small
As a mustard seed

If You are as big
As we can’t even dream
Then why in the world
Do I worry?

free verse, Rhyme


For a country
Across the sea
Where the rocks cry out
And the desert blooms
Where the language is living
Though it once was dead
Where history is hidden
Along the highway bends
Where skylines rise
Along the sea
Where Bedouins quietly
Lead their sheep
Where the stones are golden
And the stars sing
The promise of how many
Your people will be

A land so ancient
And yet so new
A land of prophecy
Coming true
How I long to fly
To you



On the back porch
Stargazing with my brother
Binoculars search the night
The Big Dipper in sight
The moon casts its silver light
Against my face
It’s so far away
With craters and rifts
And shades of gray
Stars around it
Twinkle bright
In this peaceful
Quiet night
Amazed by the Creator’s
Infinite might
To create such majesty
In the dark of night




What do I pray 
To the One who calls
The stars by name
Beyond what I can see
For the King of Kings

What do I know
Of His plans for me
He says 
Let go
Trust is complete
It takes
Every part of me

My broken heart
And shattered dreams
The scars that have healed
And yet they bleed
The thoughts that I keep
Buried deep
My heart wants a fight
But can it battle Elohim?
The One who gives life
To everything

It’s all in the open
Open sky
Clear before You
Like the stars each night

This is surrender

I give up the fight
What can I pray
To the One Host High
Thy will be done
I am nothing
Without Your light

free verse


They come from beyond me
And overtake me

They dance in my head
And twirl in my heart
And make me do cartwheels in the yard

They make me skip
And jump
And run away
To find the nearest pen and paper
And start to scribble

Bursting in my head
Like fireworks
Growing in my heart
From a tiny seed
Into something bigger
Bigger than I’d dreamed

They live inside me
But when I give them wings
They fly away
They change
They become a different melody
In someone else’s heart

They long for freedom
So give them wings
Let them soar through the sky
And find a new home

Let them brave the darkness
Like the stars

Let them bring beauty
Like the spring

Let them live

Let them sing
