Bro & Sis Collaborated, Rhyme

These Summer Days

These summer days
They slip away
Before you know it
Fall leaves arrayed
Beneath our feet
The earth grows cold
And here comes winter
Ever bold
‘Tis the truth
Since times old
Seasons change
There’s sun
There’s snow

But God’s love won’t let us go
These winter days
Burst into spring
And once again we’ll learn to sing
These summer days
Aren’t here to stay
So cherish them in every way
For the gift they are

inspired by Summer Time

free verse, Rhyme


For a country
Across the sea
Where the rocks cry out
And the desert blooms
Where the language is living
Though it once was dead
Where history is hidden
Along the highway bends
Where skylines rise
Along the sea
Where Bedouins quietly
Lead their sheep
Where the stones are golden
And the stars sing
The promise of how many
Your people will be

A land so ancient
And yet so new
A land of prophecy
Coming true
How I long to fly
To you


Fruits of the Spirit

Love will never ever change
Joy sings even in the pain
Peace falls like gentle rain
Patience is always happy to wait
Kindness shares abundant grace
Goodness is found in the humble way
Faithfulness rests in His embrace
Gentleness creates a quiet place
Self-control calls upon His Name
In everything to bring Him fame
